Get Involved
The Netherland Inn & Boatyard historic site offers a variety of volunteer opportunities. Whether your interest is history, gardening, marketing, storytelling, or event management, you should explore the volunteer positions at the Inn. The Inn volunteers focus on preservation, interpretation, education and restoration as they maintain this historic site.
An Orientation to the Netherland Inn & Boatyard is provided at 10:30 am on the fourth Wednesday of each month. Please contact us at 423-429-7730 if you are interested in attending and learning more about the opportunities available.
Weekend (Saturday or Sunday) Docent (Tour Guide):
- Docents provide the story of the Inn and Boatyard complex to visitors. Several docents work together to cover all aspects of the site.
- The operating hours for the tours are from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. The last tour begins at 3:30 p.m. Docents arrive at 1:45 pm.
- There will also be a need for a Docent to work in the Gift Shop.
- Training and resources are provided for all positions.
Event Volunteers
Volunteers are an important element of a successful event. A Steering Committee member will contact each individual Docent for a convenient time to volunteer at a specific time during the event. The hours will vary according to the event. Most time periods will not be over two hours at one time. For some events, period dress is worn. You may inquire for more information about the events and volunteer opportunities by calling 423-429-7730.
The annual events are Opening Day, Tea at the Inn, Lo’ Country Boil, Junk & Treasure Sale and 1818 Christmas at the Inn. More details on each event may be found under the events tab at the top of this page.
Grounds Volunteers
Volunteers interested in working on the grounds of the complex are a valuable part of our team. We maintain the flowers, shrubs, and trees that enhance the experience for our visitors.